
I am a Ph.D. candidate majoring in political science at Kangwon National University. I work on international relations theory, specifically on balance-of-power theory, great power competition, and Korean affairs.

More about me

I am a Ph.D. candidate majoring in political science at Kangwon National University and a non-resident fellow at the European Centre for North Korean Studies. I was previously a Marcellus Policy Fellow at the John Quincy Adams Society and a visiting research fellow at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies. I was named one of the Next Generation Korea Peninsula Specialists at the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and a Young Leader of the Pacific Forum. My research expertise revolves around international relations theory, and my main interests are balance-of-power theory, great power competition, and Korean affairs. I am the author of Bandwagoning in International Relations: China, Russia, and Their Neighbors.

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